images & editing: Cécile Martin
sound & performance: Li Alin www.lialin.net
7 minutes
1 screen version of 10 screen HD projection

presented at Centre PHI & ExCentris, Montreal (Canada)
and at the Alliance française Washington DC (USA)

Materialization of distinctive and intangible qualities that surround people, things and spaces. Immersion in an environment that transports us between the intimate and the action of exposure in public space, in a pulse, tension, balance between two worlds. Let's act, let's be, EXPOSE.

Cécile Martin wishes to thank Naut Humon, Christiane Goppert, Alexia Fabris, Karim Hussain, Luis Dahl, Greg Smith, Ryan Morey, Victor Emmanuel Raja Sandrasagra, Francis Théberge, Sylvain Cossette & Alain Pelletier from PRIM Centre and most importantly Julie Méalin.



inquiétante étrangeté program, 3 screen projection,
Le Cercle - Lab Vivant, 2013, Québec (Canada)

in Recombinant Media Labs' CINECHAMBER
MUTEK / EXCENTRIS / Daniel Langlois Foundation / BIAN / PRIM
2012, Montreal (Canada)